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School has me so stressed. I cry almost every day. What do I do?

School has me so stressed. I cry almost every day. What do I do?

School has me so stressed. I cry almost every day. What do I do?

So what I’m going to tell you right now is something my Math teacher told us about, and it works 100%. So go somewhere with no people in it.

In the middle of a forest or someplace with only nature around you, just run and keep running, scream, cry, let it all out. If you feel something tight in your chest, then keep running, and magically, you will find yourself exhausted but at the same time relived Then take your time to sit there and do nothing, gaze at that rock under your foot or that tree or that mud anything simply jug bond with nature.

No matter how stupid that may sound to you, nature is always there to help us since we belong there. Our body misses nature these days since it’s rare even to see a tree nowadays, so try it out. Go and pour all your stress on nature. It works like magic.

I wish I were able to help you, just like you. I, too, am suffering from school stress. It’s the last year of high school, 😅pretty tough. Oh, and by the way, sorry for my broken English 😶🙏🏻

Let’s go to read the answer of this question: School has me so stressed. I cry almost every day. What do I do?

Have you ever cried during an exam?

School has me so stressed. I cry almost every day. What do I do?

When I was in 7th grade, I don’t remember what started it. Still, there was a point when I needed to catch up in school, staying up until midnight doing homework even though I started it as soon as I got home. I was grounded from everything I actually enjoyed doing because I never did my chores, even on weekends. My mom had no clue why. I told her how I felt, what I thought about things, and why I didn’t want to do my chores. That leads to many, many arguments.

She hired a therapist so she could control me better. I HATED this idea. I wasn’t the one that needed to be controlled here? The therapist was on her side at first, but after a while, my mom (she mentioned this part years later) realized that it wasn’t me who needed controlling. It was she who needed a reminder on how to be a parent and that being one doesn’t constantly mean punishing your child for work not done, but also rewarding them for work that is finished on time.

The therapist told her to reward me at the end of each week with some of the stuff that she had taken away (by this point months ago), equal to what I had been doing in chores. Me and my mom also worked something out with one of my teachers so I could stay late after school once in a while to catch up on late assignments.

School has me so stressed. I cry almost every day. What do I do?

After a while, I earned all my favorite toys back and got caught up in school. I don’t remember ever feeling “proud” about anything more; I just felt like things were getting back to normal finally, whatever that was. You couldn’t pay me enough to go back to 7th grade a year later, and that still holds. There isn’t enough money in the world to make me repeat that year.

The therapist said I had mild depression, and that was why I was doing so badly. I never felt any different, so I don’t know, and sometimes I kind of doubt I had it. Anyhow, my point is your being stressed about school might be a sign that things are bad elsewhere in your life as well.

My advice?

Talk to someone even if they don’t listen right away. If you are okay with therapists, talk to a school counselor. I hated mine, but it may be good for you. If not, find someone else (like your parents) and bring this up. And if they don’t listen, keep telling them about it until they do. If you have to fight to get whatever it is you need, then fight.

No matter how many arguments it causes. Your parents are not living your life, even if they think they are or they have similar experiences. That line of thinking is what makes us adults so dumb.

I’m really stressed out about school, but I’m not motivated to do anything. My homework is right in front of me, and I know how to do it, but I can’t even finish reading the question before my mind drifts off. Am I just lazy, or is it something else?

It is something extremely natural and happens with almost all students sometime in their life. (This used to happen to me a lot.) And be ready, and you might encounter some depressive thoughts about not working hard and not doing justice to your parents’ efforts.

Now, let’s come down to how you can solve this:

  1. Whenever you get such feelings, put your books aside, close your eyes, and think- Why am I supposed to study all this? Is it a choice or a necessity? Does this subject, which I’m about to pick up, interest me? If I end up being a failure, how will I manage to live? No, I won’t be a failure. I have to become the best version of myself. Let’s do it. If I don’t like this subject, I’ll pick another one, but I WON’T STOP WORKING!
  2. Another way is to divide your study time into smaller fragments. Say half an hour of work, 15 minutes of break. Start like this, and eventually, once you start developing an interest in your study, increase the study time. You will start observing major improvements if you follow this point.
  3. Talk to your parents about this, and if you don’t feel like it, go to your school counselor (if she’s good). Otherwise, talk to your elder brother/sister.
  4. Meditation also helps a ton here. Please PM me if you wish to try. I would love to guide you on the right path of learning it.

Above all, stay calm about this. Everyone goes through this and comes out of it as well. Just keep trying, and you’ll be alright. Believe me. Best of luck, and KEEP TRYING. Wish you a cheerful day ahead!

Why does the school make me cry?

School is absolutely horrible; it is a method of brainwashing used by the U.S. government in an attempt to reduce the resistance of future generations.

Is it normal to cry at home when thinking about having to go to school the next day?

I think the real question should be, “Is it normal to be expected to attend a school that makes me cry when I think about going in the morning?” The problem is with the school, not with you. There is a reason you don’t want to go, and I felt the very same a lot of the time I went to school. It was like slow torture to me.

I’d be interested to know what it is that makes school so awful for you. Bullying? Mean teachers? Feeling unsuccessful? Feeling lonely and isolated? The Feeling bored to tears? Do you want to do something else that they stop you from doing?

Tears ARE normal – they are a normal reaction to feeling trapped in an unworkable situation or to losing something important to you. The problem isn’t the tears; it’s whatever you’re facing that you feel you can’t deal with. Find a way to deal with that, and you’ll be feeling a lot better.

Have you considered attending another school? Or going to college?

School is really stressing me out; it is affecting my life, and I feel like I am losing my mind. How do I reduce stress about school?

Let’s say I’m in your position right now. I have been an incurable mess for the whole of the 1st semester. For the first time in my life, I got 17/30 for math, barely passing when I should be scoring As. I did my work last minute. Group projects became my excuse for screen time, and it also became an emotional burden due to my group mates. 

Procrastination was at its peak, and I always felt guilty about it when my “free time” wasn’t productive. I keep telling myself I will change, and I dream of being a better version of myself, but nothing changes. It’s problematic, but it’s part of life. I’m losing my shit here too. I’m barely coping. But the thing is, whatever you want to become, be it stress-free, be it scoring better, be it having more fun, you need to start today. 

Don’t make empty promises to yourself. If you want to have fun, then go out and play for a minute. Don’t get sucked into a black hole of stress because of school. Think about it this way: I’m wasting my life here, and that’s why I am going to make a difference. 

School has me so stressed. I cry almost every day. What do I do?

School will suck for a bit until you get used to dealing with its shit, and yes, I haven’t yet. But you know, one day you’ll look back and think, hey, I’m proud that I helped myself during this time, and I turned out to be fine. 

You’re not alone, and you’ll need to find your coping mechanism too. Mindfulness, self-help books, whatever it be, it all boils down to your mental strength to cope with the stress. People can tell you and give you advice, but what goes on in your head is something you cannot control. 

Hence, stress is not something we can control. I hope you can try to make life less of a misery because that’s all I can do for now, but I wish you well; you will still need to deal with the stress school brings in the future.

Why does school have to be stressful?

Well, in simple terms, the current education system in almost every country needs to be updated.

It only focuses on three main undesirable things:-

  1. Putting extreme and dangerous levels of pressure on children.
  2. Threatening and scaring children unnecessarily.
  3. Forcefully keeping them occupied with optional work.

Well, the problem is that current-day children need to be more capable of handling pressure. The endurance that previous generations had is not there in this generation. Therefore, the education system must change in such a way that it focuses more on proactive and practical activities and not on useless pressure-giving activities.

Threatening and scaring children unnecessarily will not help in making them better. It will most likely turn them hostile, and if the background is volatile, then they can easily give in to the world of crime. Unnecessarily giving them unproductive homework will only make them more anxious and agitated.

Now, a lot of people debate about the fact that things such as gadget addiction and other distractions are the main problem, and the confiscation of gadgets will help. WELL, THE ANSWER IS NO, NOT AT ALL.

School has me so stressed. I cry almost every day. What do I do?

It is common for children in today’s world to be addicted to gadgets. It is because gadgets allow children to monitor the entire globe through their screens and also have activities such as video games that jumpstart Dopamine production to a great extent.

Thus, when gadgets are confiscated, it only scares the child and makes them feel claustrophobic. It also triggers withdrawal symptoms when they are suddenly separated from their gadgets.

Thus, the only solution to solve this problem is that the education system should be changed. The education system should be compatible with all the problems of the modern generation, such as gadget addiction, depression, anxiety, fear, etc.

I am a high school senior. The school stressed me out to the point of crying myself to sleep. Is that normal, or am I a pansy?

There’s no such thing as a pansy, except for the actual flower, and you are a human being. Who apparently is feeling a lot of stress, and that’s valid. Maybe you should look at what is causing you stress and anxiety in school, find supportive friends, and find leisure activities that help. 

School is meant to conform you and mold you. School is not meant for you to be expressive (Except for art class, which is horribly underfunded), so find a way to express yourself and get the stress out.

Crying yourself to sleep is your body’s way of dealing with the stress. If you didn’t cry and held it all in, don’t you think you’d be even more miserable?

Why do I cry every morning before school?

I used to cry before school because I was scared and I had social anxiety. However, it’s hard to answer because if it is social anxiety, you will think others will judge you, and you feel terrified to leave the house if it is that. But maybe something has happened that is affecting your everyday life. If you are feeling nothing or sad all day and cry often, you might want to talk to a doctor about exactly what you are feeling.

Why do I cry at school every day?

There could be an ocean of reasons. Lack of self-confidence, occupancy of a lower social position, bullying, no interest in what or how subjects are being taught, etc.

You may feel teachers and students are pushing you around. And you are powerless and alone. Build up a network of friends and others like yourself. A group is easier to deal with than being isolated by yourself.

Why am I so stressed all the time, and why do I keep crying?

It was Monday morning. I was too stressed to go to the office. Responsibilities given to me were half done, and I was literally scared of my boss. I had no option but to attend the office. I practically pushed myself out of home. Even pushing the start button of my two-wheeler was becoming a big task.

My luck could have been better. The signal was red, and I had no option but to wait. Then, a strange thing happened. The small girl approached me to buy Limbu Mirchi. I was so irritated with full vigor that I rejected her.

Babuji, she said with a smiling face, nahi lena hai to mat lo chillate kyu ho?

I was stunned. She took the rejection in such a beautiful manner. It made me think in an altogether different manner. In spite of taking rejections from so many people, she had retained her smile. I was a person who regretted all the positive sides of my life which was provided to me.


You need to ground yourself. When you feel overwhelmed, Breathe deeply. Take your focus back to your breath, and you will find your calm. If you like singing, then sing your favorite song like an artist before you go to school. Listening to good music helps, too.

Do daily journaling and write Self=Reflection tips for yourself. Before going to bed, remember what you did throughout the day and self-reflect on how you could have done it better and improve yourself the next day. Try to be in the present moment by feeling yourself in your body, by walking consciously, and by breathing deeply.

I have been where you are right now. Spend some time alone, and you will be fine. Take care. Lots of love. Hope this helps.

How do I stop stressing about high school?

First, go to sleep and make sure you get a good 8-9 hours of sleep. Then, wake up and eat a good, filling breakfast. You’ll be surprised how much better you will feel being full and well-rested. Hang out with some friends and meet some new classmates. People are social beings, and doing so will help you unwind and relax.

Second, I’ll tell you a secret: 3 years from now, no one will care exactly how well you did in high school, and you will barely remember. Think back to how much you remember the exact grades you got in middle school. It will matter even less than that.

It may matter a bit in two years, but truthfully, once you are at a certain level, the top schools care less about particular class ranks and scores than your essays and extra-curriculars. And truthfully, the college you pick is much less important than you would think.

What’s most important right now and always is “you.” In school, your job is to learn and get ready for the rest of your life. Take a look at your classes, talk to other people, and decide if it really makes sense to take them all right now. 

School has me so stressed. I cry almost every day. What do I do?

Talk to your advisor/counselor along with your parents and decide what is best for you to take for you to learn, stay healthy and sane, and, lastly and least importantly, have a competitive college application. If you do the first two, the third one will come naturally. Don’t focus too much on being the “best” at the expense of everything else. Downtime, hobbies, and friends are easily and more important.

You should start thinking about what your goal is to do with your life. As a youth, that is the most important thing other than learning and gaining experience. If you know you want to go to college, look at which college and which major. If you have decided, start asking yourself why. What job could you get after finishing that major? 

Some things you might have already accepted as things you will do, but you should still research and look at alternatives to make sure. Do you really even need to go to college to accomplish what you want in life?

Most importantly, you don’t have to decide now, and you will definitely change this plan many hundreds of times. Many people go to college or even Grad school to discover their passions and change majors many times. They then get a career in a completely unexpected field.

It’s life, stuff happens. It is the only time you will ever be a high school sophomore. You have so many choices and possibilities ahead of you. Enjoy the journey and try new things. School has me so stressed I cry almost every day What do I do?

I feel miserable almost everyday. I easily cry over something that hurts me (or something related to it), and sometimes for no reason. What’s wrong with me?

How long has your crying been going on? If it’s been more than a week, medical advice is typically to check in with your healthcare provider. (I’m not a medical professional.) Crying easily and feeling miserable are typically signs of depression. When you cry because you feel hurt (emotionally) and you “normally” would not be that emotional about it, that also suggests depression. 

When you cry “for no reason,” you actually are crying for a reason; you’re just not conscious of what it is. If you’re anything like me, even happy things can make you cry when you’re depressed– thinking of something kind someone has done for you, for example.

Some people feel miserable and cry easily due to high anxiety. But often, that degree of anxiety is manifested (in part) by depression. Meanwhile (until you can see a health professional), here are a few practices that might help. Or not; everyone is different. School has me so stressed I cry almost every day What do I do?

School has me so stressed. I cry almost every day. What do I do?

  1. Listen to uplifting music– music that is not nostalgic for you, music that is not sad or angry in its lyrics.
  2. Be sure you are getting 7-8 hours/night of deep sleep. (Try home remedies first, like a cup of camomile tea or a small bowl of milk and low-sugar cereal before bed.)
  3. Let the tears out, but attempt to bring yourself back to a quieter mental state afterward. Tears release hormones that can be quite helpful in dissipating the underlying tension you feel. But it’s important to do what you can after “a good cry” to calm yourself down.
  4. Close your eyes and take a few deep, slow breaths at least every 2 hours. Be careful not to do too many of these breaths as they can cause hyperventilation.
  5. Jot down what “losses” you have had in the past 3-6 months: Have you lost a friend? A family member? A pet? A job? Has someone you care about deeply disappointed you (another kind of loss)? Have you lost something else that meant a lot to you? Have you disappointed yourself in some major way (another kind of loss)? Writing this list might bring tears, which is just fine. Knowing what’s at the root of your emotional state will be really helpful in recovering from it.
  6. Do not self-medicate. No alcohol (which is a depressant) or over-the-counter drugs that you think might help. These substances can worsen your symptoms considerably!

I’m sorry that you are feeling miserable and crying frequently. Get help. School has me so stressed I cry almost every day What do I do?

If I cry every day, will I die? Or what will happen to me?

Hey. It sounds like you’re going through some rough stuff. I’m sorry. Sometimes, everything seems overwhelming, and you feel like you’ll never get back into the sunlight. I know that from personal experience.

No, you won’t die from crying every day. But if you are feeling so bad that you need to cry every day, then it may help to speak to someone you trust. Someone who can give you an outside, more objective perspective than you can when you’re feeling so down.

It doesn’t have to be a psychiatrist or a psychologist, but it can be. Your doctor can make some suggestions. But perhaps even a trusted friend, a family member? 

Don’t give up on yourself! No matter what happens, you are still you, and you still have perspectives for the future, even if they are hidden in the fog right now. All the best. If a virtual hug helps, here’s one.

School is too much for me, and I keep randomly breaking down crying, especially at home. How can I stop crying? It stresses my dad out, and I really don’t want to bother him.

I am so sorry to hear about your challenges both at school and at home. You are still a minor, which means you must get help to guide you through this trying time. Speak to an adult that you trust at school or at a group that you go to, like a dance group. You don’t have to do this alone. There is support, help, and guidance available.

There is a reason why you are randomly breaking down crying. It must be brought to the attention of your doctor, nurse, parents, and school. They can help you get through this. From what you described in your question, you may have anxiety issues that must be addressed. Unless you get professional help with your crying issues and get to the bottom of it, you are always going to be haunted by this challenge. 

You cannot turn off your crying like turning off your phone or computer. Your crying is connected with your emotions. Your emotions have been ignored, dismissed, suppressed, hidden, judged, shamed, and buried. This sort of behavior is highly dysfunctional and unhealthy. You will become codependent if this is not resolved. You have unexpressed and unresolved emotional issues that are creating your crying issues. It is nothing to feel ashamed of.

School has me so stressed. I cry almost every day. What do I do?

We all have these challenges, no matter our age, gender, or background. Since you are still at school and you are in need of emotional support, it is your dad’s responsibility to take care of these needs of yours. Your needs are not being met when your dad is stressed out from your challenges at school and home. He is ill-prepared and equipped to deal with and handle your issues. And he needs help. He doesn’t have to do this on his own, either.

You did not mention your mum in this question, which I am very curious about. Where is your mum? Is this one of the reasons why you are randomly crying? If it is, then it is imperative to talk to someone you trust to help you get through this challenging time.

You should show this answer to your dad, doctor, nurse, school, and any adult that you speak to about helping you get through this.

Why is high school so stressful?

High school is only stressful when you make it stressful. Taking all APs junior year? Your call, you’re making it stressful. Do you have too many extracurriculars? It’s your fault; you’re making it stressful. Procrastinating until 10 pm to do your homework? Your. Fault.

I stopped doing homework at 9:30 pm. I call it a day. And I go downstairs, drink tea, and watch TV with my dad until 10:30 pm. I sleep at 11 pm. I wake up at 6:40 am, fully energized. You’ll be surprised how much a good night’s sleep can change your mindset and stress levels.

School has me so stressed. I cry almost every day. What do I do?