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Have you ever really needed to pee during an exam? If so, how did you deal with it?

What's the worst you ever had to pee as a woman?

Have you ever really needed to pee during an exam? If so, how did you deal with it?

Oh yes!! It is going to be good. Guys, please don’t judge me to be a maniac or something after reading this answer.
So this happened to me during my tenth board exams. My center was very close to my house, so I didn’t have to leave my house outrageously early. This happened to me during my first exam, which was French.

I had studied it through and through, so I didn’t have any worries about not performing well. But the problem was that in India, the board exams are a huge hype. They are over-glorified, so naturally, I was nervous. I reached the center on time, found my class, and had my pen, pencil, and everything ready to take the exam.

The invigilator had warned us that we weren’t going to be allowed to go for any toilet break, so whatever we wanted to do, we had to do before the exam. So, just to be safe, I went to the toilet.

Then we got our question papers, answer sheets, etc. Now, after about an hour or so, I had to pee. But I knew that I wasn’t going to be allowed. So, I decided to hold it in. After about 15 minutes, the urge became unbearable. I wasn’t able to concentrate on my paper. I didn’t want to end up scoring lower marks even though the paper was very easy, just because I didn’t have the guts to take a piss.

Has anyone ever farted on your face?

Have you ever really needed to pee during an exam? If so, how did you deal with it?

So, I did some drama about not feeling well and all that, and the invigilator let me go. They sent someone with me to make sure that I didn’t cheat. I quickly peed and went back to the class quickly because I didn’t want to be suspicious.

After about another hour, tragedy struck. I had to pee again. I was sure as hell that the invigilator wouldn’t send me even if my life depended on it. And I was on the last few questions, and there were still around 40 minutes left for the exam to be over. I couldn’t control myself, and I knew that I had to do something or I wouldn’t be able to complete my paper.

Now comes the fun part. I spilled water on myself and made it look like an accident. Because French was an optional subject, there were only 7 students in the class, all from my school. So, I wasn’t worried about being embarrassed or anything. I made sure that I would get very wet. Then I peed. No one even could’ve guessed what I had done that day. Yes, I peed on the spot while giving my 10th-grade board exams. I went on to finish my paper and scored 97 in french.

Have you ever really needed to pee during an exam? If so, how did you deal with it?

This happened to me last week. I was taking my circuits lab midterm, and I really had to use the restroom. I stood up with my exam, pen, etc. in my hand, walked up to the professor’s desk, and said, “I know we’re in an exam, but can I use the restroom? I’ll leave all my stuff in the front.” and he said yes. I left and came back two minutes later with no questions asked.

I also work as a Learning Assistant. In the lab I work in, we have to proctor exams. Whenever a student needs to use the restroom during an exam, a learning assistant has to follow them to the bathroom, wait for them, and walk them back to the exam lab. No, I did not make this rule up. I love my job. Therefore, I will obey the rules so that I can keep my job.

I have a habit of needing to pee during anything important, and exams are no exception. So, from experience, I see it this way. You should pee and return to the exam. There’s no point doing an exam while your mind is clouded with the urge to go to the toilet. Just go. It’ll cost you less compared to holding it in.

Have you ever been stuck in a situation where you had to pee so badly? What happened to you, and did you make it to the toilet?

I PEED IN MY PANTS IN THE CLASSROOM. I am going anonymous because my friends might see this. 😀

Back in 2009.

I was a 7th standard guy when this shit happened. It was a normal day. Everything went fine till lunch break. After lunch, I used to pee daily. But somehow, because of some work or something, I didn’t go to the toilet that afternoon. Soon after the break ended, the Hindi teacher arrived. She was very strict. I needed to pee very badly. And I controlled it for 1 hour. I thought of going to the toilet after the period before the next teacher arrived. To my bad, the teacher hadn’t left, and it was a 2-hour period since our maths sir was absent that day.

I had asked her for permission twice. But she refused and said in an angry voice what I had done in the break. But I was unable to control it. I was looking at the blackboard, sitting firmly with my two legs kept together very hard. It helps you to control. But it worked only for an hour.

I dont know when and how, but I suddenly peed in my pants. Almost, but I still have some inside. I know I was pee-ing, but I can’t control it anymore. YES!!! I peed in my pants. I was screaming inside oh, what have you done, moroncan’t? Cant you control it till break 🙁 🙁

Here comes the plot of the decade 😀

I immediately got an idea, and I didn’t feel shy to talk to my best friend who was beside me. When I said to him, he was about to punch me. Then I explained everything, and he accepted my idea. Soon after the teacher left, I asked for a water bottle from my friend. He was sitting on the fourth bench. I was in second. Soon after I started drinking water, my friend pushed the water bottle and made fun of me…

My pant was wet. Yes, because my friend poured water on me. It was a drama 😀 Everyone believed it. Even there are girls in the classroom. My friend never revealed this to anyone, and he is still my best friend.


What do you think of peeing while you shower?

My friend who manages a sewer district told me, “I wish everybody would pee in the shower.” In a city of a million people, if half of them shower in the morning, and the average flush is two gallons, that’s a million gallons of water saved each day.

Urine is pretty much sterile when leaving the body, and it has no problem completely vanishing down into the same pipe the toilet empties into. You’ll leave no evidence of your socially-suspect but environmentally-sound behavior.

The problem people have is, of all the bodily fluids we excrete, there are two we think of as soul mates. We have a special, glistening, porcelain appliance just for this pair. We’ve even numbered them (#1 and #2). Do we do that with other fluids? How many times have we heard, “I’ve got a terrible head cold; you wouldn’t believe the amount of #4 I’m blowing out.” Or: “Like, I put my hand in his pants, and he got seven on me. Eeeuw!”

So remember: pee and poop are not related. One is icky and consorts with up-to-no-good bacteria, and one wants to go with the flow and not bother anybody, but it lives on the same cul-de-sac as that other asshole, so he’s considered guilty by association.

Don’t be an excretion racist (excretist?). Turn on the taps, lather up, and piss away!

* * * * * *

August 1, 2019—This is a lot of positive responses and comments! It shows the power of a fun but valid question. I accept that I may now be seen as the “peeing-in-the-shower-guy.” Now, I have to replace my water heater so I can take showers warm enough to allow me to live up to my new reputation.

Do girls need to pee really bad during a traffic jam?

Sometimes we do. I try to go before I leave the house or work to avoid this exact thing, but sometimes it just happens. It is not guaranteed to happen. Traffic jams do not induce the need to pee, but full bladders do.

Have you ever had to pee so badly you danced to hold it? What happened, and were you able to pee in a toilet?

I was not able to hold it and did it in the champagne bottle😌😌😌😌😌 while my boss was staring.

Have you ever really needed to pee during an exam? If so, how did you deal with it?

What’s the worst you ever had to pee as a woman?

When I was in nursing school, the dreaded day came when we knew we would have to practice putting IVs in each other. My whole life, I’d have a notorious streak of being a terribly hard stick. Getting my blood drawn or an IV placed on me was never easy for providers. I was scared as hell. Now, complete novices were going to poke me that day. That morning, before meeting with my two nursing friends (we did a 45-minute group commute every morning to school), I drank a ton of water in preparation. After around 15 min, it hit me. 

I was not driving and asked my friend to hit up a gas station. We realized that there was no gas station for 30 minutes, and turning around would make us late for class. (My instructors were very, very strict regarding tardiness). I started to panic and sweat, dancing around in the back seat. Fifteen minutes later, I asked my friend if she had a water bottle in her car. She said yes. Obviously, for girls, this is a challenging feat. I kept holding it and praying to the gods I could make it, water bottle in hand. After what felt like an hour, we pulled up to a gas station. 

I literally ran up to it with my pants undone because I had to go SO bad. I couldn’t see one inside and asked the cashier, still with pants undone. They looked me up and down and, if understanding my emergency, quickly handed me the keys. The bathroom was OUT BACK behind the gas station. I ran for my life with those keys. Thank God we made it to class on time 🙏

Have you ever had to pee so badly that you had to pee dance in order to hold it?

I was on a trip with my friends once, and I’d stupidly drank an entire bottle of water before getting on the bus. About half an hour into the trip, I started feeling the urge, but I had to hold it in because the bus had no bathroom. I started to do a mild wiggle in my seat to try to stagnate the urge, but all of the shaking seemed to make it even worse.

Eventually, it got so bad that I struggled, with my hands digging into my crotch and leaning forward to my friend’s seat to ask if she had a cup or anything I could pee into.

She said she didn’t but offered me a Ziplock bag instead. I hurried back to my seat, wondering how to pee into a bag.

Friends, I took off my tights and undies, then hovered over the bag so that I wouldn’t splash everywhere. I couldn’t hold it anymore by that point, so I just started peeing in the bag.

The splashing sound of pee was so loud that I put my vagina as far into the bag as possible. I peed so much that I nearly overflowed the bag. When we got to our destination, I hurriedly threw the back away into a trash can. I’ve had to pee dance more than a few times, but that was the worst time.

What is your worst bathroom emergency story?

I almost died to pee. I was a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division. So when you suit up for a jump, you put on all your equipment, including a parachute harness, and you sit there for hours and hours, waiting to board the plane. If you take off your equipment, you have to put it all back on and then have a Jumpmaster inspect you. Need to be more easily done.

This is what one looks like with all their equipment:

Have you ever really needed to pee during an exam? If so, how did you deal with it?

This is all of us sitting and waiting:

Have you ever really needed to pee during an exam? If so, how did you deal with it?

So after drinking canteen after canteen of water, because it was hot, and we were sitting in the hot sun with 150lbs of equipment on us, I started to really have to go. But then we are called to board the aircraft. I shuffle out to the aircraft with the rest of the guys, and we board the plane.

Sitting there while the airplane drones on, it starts to become very painful and burn. I fear I must have injured something. Finally, we stand up and hook up, and the doors open. YES! Relief is just minutes away. The red light stays on, and the plane speeds up. SHIT! The winds at ground level are too high. We come back around the drop zone.

I’m so excited, “I get to pee!” The Jumpmaster tells the number one jumper to stand in the door. It’s going to happen! The Jumpmaster yells, “GO!” and the paratroopers start to exit the plane. They’re going a little too slow. If we don’t all get out before the end of the drop zone, the red light will come on, and we’ll be stuck in the plane as it goes around.

Have you ever really needed to pee during an exam? If so, how did you deal with it?

The pain in my bladder is excruciating. I follow the stick of paratroopers as we get closer and closer to the door. All of a sudden, the red light comes on. We are near the end of the drop zone, or a plane, helicopter, or building is under us; the guy in front of me is already too close to the door to stop. All I can think is, “Get out. Get out.” The Jumpmaster stands in my way with his hands up. Red light! Red light!. 

In a quick millisecond, I decide I’m going. It’s dark; he won’t be able to tell who I am, and I can say my momentum carried me out. So I flung my static line at the Jumpmaster, and I stepped out the door.

Instead of counting, “One thousand, two thousand,” I’m saying, “Get to the ground, get to the ground.” The parachute opens. There are two leg straps around my groin. The opening shock tightens these straps, and my bladder erupts like a geyser all over my legs my equipment, and there’s nothing I can do but swing in the breeze. Luckily, we were approaching the edge of the drop zone, and I landed just inside the far edge of the drop zone.

Have you ever really needed to pee during an exam? If so, how did you deal with it?

Thankfully, urine was mostly water and didn’t smell too bad, but I could have peed my pants far earlier and suffered less, as well as not almost killed myself to take a leak. I still remember the pain and anxiety to this day.

What are your childhood pee desperation experiences?

My mother wouldn’t let me hold myself even if I really needed to go to the bathroom badly. She said that we don’t touch ourselves in public. I learned other techniques to help myself hold it when I had to wait. I’d take my umbrella and put it between my legs like I was riding it like a horse, and I would pull it up into my crotch. I’d sit on my heel or my water bottle. I had this bean bag toss game, and it turns out sitting on a bean bag while in the car or something when you have to pee is a huge relief. 

It put enough pressure on my pee hole without making it obvious that I was helping myself wait. I would pull my shorts or pants or panties up so the fabric would push against my pee hole. God, it became so much easier to wait that way. Otherwise, I’d be dancing frantically. Sometimes, dancing frantically was unavoidable. I always thought dancing frantically attracted more unwanted attention than a discreet crotch grip.

Friends, I didn’t like going to the bathroom in school, so I would try to wait till I got home. I was honestly desperate. Sometimes, a sibling would be in the bathroom for a long time when I would get home, and I would go to my room bounce on the bed, and just try to wait. That was the worst. It’s so hard to be home and can’t relax or do anything until you pee.

What is the most desperate you have ever been to pee?

Although my recent experience in the hospital where I had 700ml in my throbbing bladder and the nurse had to pass a catheter on me because I couldn’t go would suffice, the most truly memorable time was, of all things you don’t ever want to have happen: a desperate Pee Emergency DURING MY HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION CEREMONY.

I went to the lavatory properly right before I donned my cap and gown in the school colors. As we young people filed neatly into our seats on the brightly-lit stage, I eagerly anticipated proudly striding up to accept my hard-earned honors diploma, imagining myself casting a bright smile out over the audience in the general direction of my parents and the two allotted friends I’d been allowed to invite.

I was closely tied with another girl at the very top of my class for grades, and I would be very happy if I graduated at the top of my class, though the other student was a very pleasant girl, and I would be happy for her likewise if she won it instead of me. I knew she studied as hard as I did.

So I was okay either way. Turns out she won it by a fraction of a point in the school’s antique grading system. Still, I had no way of knowing, as I confidently strode toward my seat, that by the time I found that out, I’d be too desperate to care, trying frantically not to gushingly wet myself all over the stage, wondering where in the heck all this massive amount of urine had suddenly come from?

Have you ever really needed to pee during an exam? If so, how did you deal with it?

Throughout much of the early part of the graduation ceremony, indeed, I happily awaited the moment when cheers would erupt throughout the large, ornate auditorium. We, students, could finally gleefully throw our graduation caps high into the air and catch them, then flip the gold tassels from one side to the other, signifying that our four years of High School were forever BEHIND us. And our young Futures are firmly AHEAD.

I anticipated that moment of wild freedom, in which we’d all be, symbolically, looking ahead to college or employment and tantalizing Adulthood beyond! Ah, the passions of the very Young. Adulthood, however, in my teenage estimation, did NOT include having a massive urinary accident in one’s graduation gown and dress beneath!

But, as the ceremony, first so enjoyable, with bright lights and proud families gazing upon eager teenage graduates, wore on, my kidneys insidiously got busy in a way that I could not comprehend. I hadn’t consumed a gallon of carbonated beverages before the ceremony! What in Heaven’s name were my kidneys getting up to in there?? Where was it all coming from??

Have you ever really needed to pee during an exam? If so, how did you deal with it?

What twist of metabolic diabolism was turning my moment of triumph inexorably into a prolonged torture of a throbbing bladder so full that it hung like an ever-increasingly insidious weight in my anterior pelvic region so that as my name was finally called, I walked not with the carefree dignified stride I’d practiced to accept my diploma, but instead with a tightly- clenched hobble incorporating aspects of the most desperate Kegels of my young life thus far, with a gliding walk designed to cushion my increasingly desperate full-to-bursting BLADDER!

Fury and fear raged in my youthful heart. Fury because my crazy metabolism had ruined my moment of celebratory sharing with my graduating Class of 1981! FEAR because at the reckless rate, my poor tortured bladder was still filling, a mortifying, copious, and memorable “ACCIDENT” onstage IN FRONT OF MY ENTIRE GRADUATING CLASS AND THEIR FAMILIES was an increasingly REAL POSSIBILITY.

The ceremony ground on at glacial speed. My kidneys gleefully, inexplicably pumped purely huge amounts of urine down each ureter into my cramping, ever-filling, tormented bladder. I wondered if I’d EVER had to urinate so badly in my entire seventeen years of LIFE before! My former happiness was replaced by misery and increasing, clawing, squirming, frantic need. Need, need, NEED!!

Never mind my diploma. I needed to gush out the contents of the Hoover Dam in there!!

Finally, the closing prayers were said, and we sang our school Anthem. The effort to add my Lyric-Soprano lilt to the chorus of voices came so perilously close to pushing my burning urethra open with catastrophic results, but somehow I held on. In those days, I was known for my voice, and I was a chorus member for all four of my high school years. But if my flushed, carefree, happy classmates wondered at the shrill, Harpy-like note in my voice, no one was distracted from her happiness to notice it for long.

Surely not ONE among THOSE lucky girls inexplicably had to pee more badly than ever before in her LIFE. Nor to wonder at the tears gathered in my large hazel eyes, threatening to cascade forth if a certain, far more foul, nitrogenous fluid finally let loose from beneath my carefully ironed graduation dress and robe…

The moment I’d originally happily anticipated, cap-tossing time, arrived: instead of participating as anticipated, I swept my cap off my sweaty brow, using it only like a cow-catcher to clear the way before me: a woman on a desperate mission, a creature of pure unadulterated NEED, I ignored the dancing and cheering and hugging and singing in the hallway and shot past a clutch of giddy students and…


Yanking my robe and dressing up with such frantic haste, I heard something tear. I kicked the lavatory stall door open, didn’t even bother properly closing or locking it, and snatched at my frilly panties barely in time to get them out of the way of my explosive flow finally. FINALLY, I let loose a mad, loud, decidedly un-ladylike torrent of urine that went on for easily three full minutes. Where it all had come from, I never knew.

But oh, the relief. 

I literally WEPT. It almost took away the anguish of having my high school graduation absolutely ruined by the loathsome, embarrassing, misery-inducing Need To Urinate, which had emerged unbidden from dark shadows and swept aside all else on my graduating day like great bat-winged Furies sweeping aside the Graces and Fates from, perhaps, the imagined stage of Aeschylus’s Oresteia.

I could almost envision the personification of the hated function itself, Mîctùrïtíon¤ – urination – in her long crimson robe, not at all like mine; it’d be instead decorated in gold thread in the classic Greek Keys pattern, and she would glare at me in arrogant triumph, her spitefully flashing amber/blue eyes glaring at me from the shadows beneath her sable curls, as she satisfied herself, whispering to me in the tones that drove Virgil’s unfortunate anti-hero Turnus hopelessly mad:

Have you ever really needed to pee during an exam? If so, how did you deal with it?

“Do not EVER seek to sweep ME from the Stage of your Life, foolish, proud, reckless young Mortal! For I have the power of the Blood, and The Blood Is The LIFE! Ignore my summons at your dire PERIL. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!!” And then, in a less sarcastic, more apologetic tone: “Congratulations, Mortal girl. You are becoming an Adult. And I didn’t take you down in front of your entire graduating class after all. But be aware: I was close to doing just that very thing – And one day, I very well may do so!”

At that dark moment, I purely HATED her. In the decades since, however, I have come to deeply appreciate and respect her, if not ever actually come to like her. Urination, though inarguably necessary, is very difficult to LIKE.

And so I graduated not in the milieu of my fellow teen students as I’d have had it, but instead in the sharp and desiderate presence of Micturition. The desire to urinate and the act of doing so. That’s my Desperate Pee Story. And it’s all true.

Have you ever been trapped in a situation where you had to pee so badly, but you were not able to go?

Okay, so this story is almost impossible to believe. Still, it actually happened a little bit about me: first, I have a very small bladder, and everybody knows that about me, and I’ve peed my pants like 10 times before, and all of my friends know that I only cross my legs when I have to pee. 

My friends know this because I’m notorious for waiting to pee till I’m about to pee my pants; it’s either because I’m too lazy to get up, or I’m just not in a place where I can pee, or my friends and I are in the middle of a conversation, or we are doing something. 

I know it’s a bad habit, and that’s probably why I have peed my pants so many times. I also get embarrassed when I have to pee because, typically, there was a place I could have gone earlier but didn’t take the opportunity to go, so I don’t like admitting that I should have used the earlier bathroom. Since I don’t like to tell people I have to pee, they’ve learned the signs.

Have you ever really needed to pee during an exam? If so, how did you deal with it?

Okay, on to the story, so 2 other friends and I were at the beach, and we were about to come out of the ocean. My friends said they were going to pee in the ocean first. Still, I didn’t want to do that even though I had to pee badly because I thought it was gross. I thought there was a bathroom where the changing place was, so I decided to wait. When they were done, we went to the changing stalls, and it turned out that there were no bathrooms there. 

I had an oh crap moment, and I just changed and waited outside for my friends. At this point, I had to pee really bad, so I told my friends, and we walked along the beach to find a bathroom. Still, I couldn’t wait that long, and I started peeing, so I quickly dropped down into a squat so it would only leave a small patch because I didn’t bring an extra pair of clothes.

So we carried on with our day after that and about 2 hours later we were at a nice restaurant then we were going to go to a state park so as we were leaving the restaurant I realized that I had to pee. While we were in the car, I started crossing my legs, and my friends knew I had to pee, so they told me there was probably a bathroom at the park. Well, it was a little park. It was more like a bunch of trees with a few picnic tables. 

Have you ever really needed to pee during an exam? If so, how did you deal with it?

When we first got to the park, I had to pee pretty bad at that point, but this time it wasn’t just me. My friend had to pee as well, but not as bad as me, so as soon as we got there, we looked for a bathroom but soon realized there weren’t any, so we sat down and chatted at a picnic table for about 30 mins at this point I had to pee really bad. My friend had to pee badly, too, so we got in the car and drove to the nearest fast food place, which was Chick-fil-A. 

But I had to pee so freaking bad I was bouncing and dancing and grabbing my crotch in the car. The second I opened the door and stepped out, I started peeing. Still, you know how you can stop peeing halfway through sometimes and forget you had to pee. I was able to do that. However, my pants still had pee all over them, and you could tell I had an accident. My friend was so caught up in my mess that she forgot to run to the bathroom herself, and she started peeing but stopped it almost right away. 

She ran into the bathroom, but she still had a visible wet spot; it was small, so at this point, we decided to drive home, and the drive home was about an hour from where we currently were. Now, I still had to pee, but I forgot, so about 30 minutes into the car ride, I realized I had to pee. I had already my pants twice today, so I told my friends, and they said that they would get home super fast because we were only 30 minutes away. I figured I could wait, but about 5 minutes later, I realized I hadn’t just had to pee. 

Have you ever really needed to pee during an exam? If so, how did you deal with it?

Still, I had to pee badly, like I needed a toilet in 5 minutes, so I told my friends, and they said it was probably just a sudden urge that I would make it home. I started crossing my legs, grabbing my crotch, and dancing in my seat to hold my pee in, and at this point, the only reason I wasn’t just peeing was cause I didn’t want to ruin the car. Well, when we were only 15 minutes from home, a large spurt came out and puddled up in the seat, and I got my jeans all wet again. 

I was embarrassed, so I didn’t tell my friends right away, but they noticed 5 minutes later, and at that point, my pee started to come out slowly. I couldn’t stop it, so I told my friends to pull over that second, and they did. When they pulled over, I jumped out and was already peeing. I was wearing wet buttoned jeans, so they were super hard to come off, and by the time I got them off, they were completely soaked in my pee. That day was so embarrassing because not one, not two, but three times I peed my pants all in one day. It was terrible.

Has a male patient ever ejaculated or urinated during an exam?

Frequently, very frequently, far, far too many times. Every time I would take a nappy off to inspect a wound, the baby or toddler would take aim, and they were always on target. They never missed, even when l leaned sideways; they got me, little rascals.

If a patient has not been able to urinate post-surgery, despite running all the taps and consequently making all the staff run for the loo, the patient couldn’t, so you would get everything ready to catheterize them, so with one hand on the catheter, and one holding the penis, suddenly the full bladder shoots out its contents everywhere. So no need to catheterize. Oh, the joys of nursing.

As to ejaculation, well, that happens when young men are sleeping or semi-conscious or just aroused when they would rather not be. It’s normal and preferable to a gallon of urine. No big deal, just normal. For young men, it’s a bit like desperately trying not to laugh when you shouldn’t, but you can’t help it. 

Never be embarrassed. But don’t do it to be a jerk and think a nurse will be impressed because l can assure you that they won’t be. And you may well be humiliated when the nurse says she’s put nappies on bigger ones than yours.

Have you ever really needed to pee during an exam? If so, how did you deal with it?