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Have you ever cried during an exam?

Have you ever cried during an exam?

Have you ever cried during an exam?

It was the time when I was in 10th standard. I was preparing for my board exams. And I was one of the toppers in my school. I got great scores on almost all the tests that our school conducted. So, I had so much confidence that I would crack my board exam with flying colors. But things were so different at the time of the exam.

After writing the first three papers, I was a bit sad and felt bad that I couldn’t write well. Yeah, I wrote in a great manner. But, I intended to get the highest mark allocated to each subject.
The next fine day, I was revising for another paper, which I learned in the morning @4am, and I felt a little sleepy. So, I decided to sleep for an hour. I went to bed, closed my eyes, and tried to sleep near the shelf.

All of a sudden, a big household vessel (Aluminium plated) fell from a shelf and hit me like hell in my mouth. I was screaming and crying for help. I didn’t know what happened. All I felt was pain. My sister, who was sleeping next to my room, came and saw me. She was shocked. Because I was bleeding and it was worse. The blood was continuously coming from my mouth(My mouth tore). The pain was so much worse. When I saw my mouth in the mirror, I fainted because I couldn’t see my blood, which was running like water. Thanks to my sister, she was there for me and did first aid. She got an auto and took me to the nearest hospital.

Who is Goga Maharaj, who is worshipped in Rajasthan and Gujarat?

Have you ever cried during an exam?

I was awake in the hospital. A doctor and a nurse stitched and cleaned my mouth. They gave me the prescription and told me not to open my mouth for a few hours. I was so stressed, not because of my wound, but because of my exam. It was a very bad day for me.

I prayed to God to write my exam well. I rushed to the school. At school, my friends and teachers were continuously asked what happened to my mouth, and I told them what happened to me. (since I couldn’t open my mouth, I used my hands and wrote in the paper about the incident). The things from that morning were so stressed me. I was physically and mentally weak. All I had was my confidence and prayer.

I came to my exam hall and was about to start. My hall Invigilator came to me and asked, “Are you okay?” “Can you write the exam?” I replied, “Yes, Mam, I can”. Then she gave the question paper and answer sheet.

The only thing that made me happy was the question paper Because I knew almost everything about it. So, I started writing. After an hour, I got so much pain in my mouth and was bleeding. I used my handkerchief to wipe my blood stains. While I was wiping, I had a sneeze, which made my blood scattered onto my answer sheets. I was shocked and cried heavily with a big scream. I was lost. My hard work became nothing.

Have you ever cried during an exam?

I felt like running away from the exam hall. I was crying heavily. My Invigilator came to me and said not to cry. She gave me another answer sheet and told me to write again. I replied, “Mam, how can I write? The exam is about to end within one hour. All became waste. I will definitely get zero marks.”
She understood my situation. She called the controller of the examination of my exam center and told me everything.

He came to me and said, “Don’t worry, child. I will give you an extra hour to write the answers, and please don’t lose your hope. Write well. If you need anything, please call us without any hesitation”. I was a little bit happy when I heard this from the COE.

I wrote well and was rushed to the hospital. But I had another exam in the next few days. I prepared both mentally and physically not to lose hope for the upcoming exams. I studied hard and wrote all the papers.

After a month, the results came. I was surprised to see my results as I got 492/500 and became the district first. And I got a centum in three subjects. I was so emotional at that time. Because I had a real fight between my mind and my heart, it was truly a happy moment. Everyone wished me well. My dad was so proud of me and said, “You are so confident”….

The only thing you have to keep with you is “Confidence.” Nothing can be an obstacle if you have a strong determination.

*Class 12th Board examination:-

I was feeling nervous each day after the farewell as the board examination was going to start within a few days. My favorite subject was Mathematics, and I was more nervous before the Maths examination day. (You become more nervous in a particular subject you are best in.) At last, the day came, and I was sitting in the examination hall, waiting for the Mathematics question paper.

The invigilator gave us the question paper, instructing us to open it after 10 minutes as those next few minutes were allotted for reading. I read the question paper and solved 2 to 3 questions in my mind. After analyzing each question, I felt as if I was the next Ramanujan!

I started solving questions. I solved and solved and solved. Time flew like anything. Five minutes remaining said the invigilator. Who cares? (I thought to myself as I finished the whole paper before 10 minutes). The invigilator collected copies after 5 minutes. He did all the formalities, such as recounting the copies, putting the copies in a packet, sealing it, etc.

Finally, he asked us to move out of the classroom. Our classroom benches had a small closed space (similar to that of a drawer) in which we used to keep our pencil box and unnecessary stuff during the examination.

Have you ever cried during an exam?

Have you ever cried during an exam?

Similar to that of the above picture. (Image source: Google Images)

When I opened the drawer, I saw two pieces of graph paper lying near my pencil box. (I left those papers during examination time to attach at last but forgot.) Statistics questions were the highest scoring among all chapters, and those 15 marks were in my hand as my classmates were moving out. I felt like crying but somehow controlled myself! (Although my soul was crying hard, which was enough to make my mind numb).

Have you ever cried during an exam?

Yes, I cried once in my exam. It was not a board exam but a school exam(final). I was in the 8th or 9th standard. That was the year 1964–65 (I think). In those days, we had no ballpoint pens. We always wrote with ink pens.

Though that was not a costly pen, it was written very smoothly, and I loved it. That was my Hindi exam. I prepared well for this exam. Usually, I made some mistakes in Hindi tests. But that time, I practiced a lot to avoid making any mistakes. Just as I answered my first question, the pen fell to the ground, and the nib hit the hard floor.

The nib was broken because of the impact. I felt sad and took out another spare pen from my bag. When I started to write again, I realized that there was no ink in the pen. I thought of pouring ink from the (nib) broken pen into the pen from my bag. But the screw of this pen was very tight (I did not use that for many days). I was having a lot of sweat on my palms because of the tension. So it became still more difficult to open the screw.

I felt helpless. Time was running down, and so were the tears from my cheeks. Our Hindi teacher saw me crying and asked the reason. I told her that the nib of my pen was broken.

Have you ever cried during an exam?

She took out her pen from her bag and handed it over to me. She patted me on my back and said, “You are one of the good students of our school. Instead of just crying, you should have told me the minute you broke the nib. Come on, cheer up and write. There is still a lot of time.” Confidence engulfed my mind! I started to write with that pen.

Until then, I was always scared of her because of her serious nature and strictness in class. Her name was G. Indira (I am sure about Indira, but not so sure about ‘G’) Fatima Girls High School- Kazipet. That day, I understood her concern about that strictness. That year, I was a topper in Hindi subject (I had never been a topper in that subject previously, though I was a topper in some other subjects).

The teacher’s dedication towards their job!

I didn’t weep, but my eyes were filled with tears during my maths Circle test 1 in 10th grade.

That was the first and last exam where I felt my eyes with tears. It never happened to me like that, even during the board exam, and I still don’t know why I took that exam seriously.

The circle test is testing the 50% syllabus. There are three levels of code in this test – A, B, and C.

  • A – Difficult, especially for higher achievers.
  • B – Medium for an average achieving student.
  • C – easy for low achievers.

Since I did well in other subjects, my class teacher gave me code A. Before my maths exam, I messaged my class teacher to change my code A to B only for maths, and she accepted that. But later, before the examination, she denied it and insisted on taking up code A. I was frightened since I didn’t have much preparation to take up a higher-level code. When I received my question paper, my panic increased, and I was completely unsure about all the questions except one.

Have you ever cried during an exam

I was controlling my emotions and striving for answers. My friend, who was near to me, helped me with one question finally. I got seven marks out of 50.

Have you ever cried during an exam?

  • Feeling powerless even after trying every possible thing you could have done is by far the worst feeling in the world.
  • There’s only one subject in this world that made me cry during an examination. It is Hindi. I have had a history of scoring badly on this subject. The Hindi Matra has always confused me, making learning each word even more difficult.
  • It was when I entered 9th class that I had to change my school for some reason. I saw this as a new opportunity to make new friends and to make myself a better human being. It almost seemed like a new life to me.
  • However, I was still very scared of Hindi. What if everyone made fun of my Hindi? The new school had people from different villages, towns, and small districts. It was natural everyone spoke Hindi more than English, so I, too, had to do that to blend well with everyone. However, being the noob I am, I still spoke English and remained silent otherwise.
  • It continued for a while. Everyone thought of me as someone very intelligent or someone who comes from a very well-to-do family. If there’s one thing I know, I am not someone smart, but I have a pretty good common sense combined with putting enough effort into learning a new thing.
  • Meanwhile, I started improving my English. Luckily, this time, the Hindi teacher who taught us was very good with his subject, and I started developing some interest in the subject. I worked very hard this time. I was adamant to make my Hindi better and not feel shame around it.
  • Naturally, I started paying attention to the lectures. I revised it immediately after being at home. My scores weren’t that great, but they were good enough not to feel shame. It kept on continuing. I was working way too hard. Sometimes, due to other subjects, I couldn’t do justice to it, so I started studying while going to school on a bus.
  • Then came the third unit test of Hindi during my 10th standard. I broke down while writing the paper. My tears weren’t stopping. I had controlled them from flowing for very long. The examiner in the class was terrified. She asked me so many questions, and I just nodded my head.
  • She told me to do as much as I can and not to worry. I did as she said, but I was still crying. Later, our Hindi teacher came into the class, and the examiner asked him to talk to me once if I needed any help.
  • First, he tried to stop me from crying, which he failed at miserably. Next, he advised me not to take so much stress and that it’s okay even if I score less.
  • I wondered why I was crying. The marks? Hell, no. I was crying because I had to write an essay on this topic related to afforestation, and I couldn’t form proper sentences. It’s something that I can finish writing in English within minutes.
  • I tried to form sentences in English and convert them to Hindi, but I lost it in between. I was totally blank, and I didn’t want to write anymore. My will to keep going felt weaker than ever. The wall broke, and the water was flowing.
Have you ever cried during an exam

Bina chamatkaar nahi namaskar

  • PS – I did pass that test, but the memory of it is too strong.

Well, I didn’t cry, but it was something that was going to make anyone feel like sobbing in the examination hall.

On 13 May 2022 was my English board exam for class 12. I was all prepared, took everything, all the materials required for an exam, pen, pencil, admit card, everything. Even reached 1 hour before the given time in the examination center. As my home was a bit far from the exam center, I took no risk. That’s why I left early.

Up to now, everything was alright; I was discussing with my friends, then we got to our allotted classroom, and then the answer sheets were given. I was filling my answer sheet meticulously, leaving no errors, but now the main twist was waiting for me. When the invigilator came to me to sign the sheet, she realized that I got the Xerox of the admit card. When I looked at it, I realized that it was the Xerox of my admit card ( as usual, the admit card happens to be yellow, but this time, the original admit card was a bit faded, so I mismatched it )

Have you ever cried during an exam?

She told me that she would only sign the answer sheet if the admit card was original; thus, I had to produce my original admit card during my examination. At that time, she called the coordinator, ma’am, then the principal came and called my mom, and I knew my mom would get a heart attack because never in my entire school life had I ever been imperfect. I was always that topper type of student.

Then, the invigilator told me to write on a piece of paper where exactly my admit card was present in my room so that my mom could bring it down. I told them exactly where my admit card was, and everyone was panicking: the teachers, the principal, my mother, my sister, and my classmates, but I was very chilled and did my paper on time. Within 30 minutes, I got my original admit card, and the invigilator signed the paper.

After the exam was over, everyone was saying one thing: if they had been in my place, they would have surely cried. But this instance made me realize one thing: no matter how difficult the situation is, you’re calm and composed nature will surely let you pass through the storm.

Yes, not because I wasn’t prepared, but because of what I will mention here:

Your personal life, your professional life, and your creative life are all intertwined. I count my biggest failure, which is on the personal front. Back in 2012, when I was having my 12th board exams, my beloved Uncle got sick. His condition worsened, and because of the lack of good hospitals in his hometown, he was admitted to a hospital at a place that is 1 hour away from my hometown.

I wanted to see him, but I was having my exams going on. I believed in doing things perfectly, and thus, I waited for my exams to be over. To my dismay, one morning, on the day of my last exam, I got the news that he was no more. I was shattered. I somehow wrote the exam. And I cried during the exam and also after the exam because of guilt and grief.

The guilt of not being able to balance my personal and academic life was killing me from the inside. I could have completed my syllabus beforehand and spared some 3-4 hours to meet him. But in the want of things to be perfect in my professional life, I waited for my exams to be over.

I took this lesson in my life very seriously, and to this day, I always give priority to things accordingly. This incident made me who I am, and I always try to have a work-life balance.

Yeah, during my Class 11th 2nd term exam.

It was a maths exam that day. Maths is my most dreaded subject, and I needed to prepare for exams. So the exam started at 8.00 a.m., and I was nervous like anything. I always first attempt questions carrying more marks. So I started from Section D, which consists of 6 number of 6 marks questions. I needed help solving 1st one. I was not able to understand 2nd question; 3rd question calculation needed to be more organized. 

I was only able to solve three questions out of 6, out of which 1 question I needed clarification on. At that point, I understood my paper was already messed up, and I was all teary-eyed. But somehow, I managed and proceeded to section C, which consisted of 4-mark questions.

The girl who was sitting behind me then started to poke me with a pen and requested me to show some answers. I was in no mood to argue, so I tilted my answer sheet and continued with my paper. I was so engrossed in solving and the other girl in copying that we didn’t notice it was our physics hod keenly watching us. Suddenly, I felt my paper being snatched away. After that, I realized what actually happened. I requested our hod to return as I was running out of time.

Have you ever cried during an exam?

He scolded me for showing answers and said that he was not going to return it no matter what happened. It was too embarrassing, and I dreaded my parents being called and finally burst out crying loudly and badly in front of my classmates and juniors. Everyone watched me in shock. Another teacher tried to soothe me, but I was crying uncontrollably. 

Finally, I returned my paper. Even after my paper was returned, I cried for another 10 minutes, so much that my answer sheet got wet(I was later on teased by my maths sir for so).

My paper could have gone better, and I had left a total of 25 marks. I was feeling terrible. After I came out of the exam hall, I realized everyone’s paper went equally bad, and we all felt relieved. Today also, my friends used to tease me for my childish behavior during exams.


Not once, but twice. Class 8 — maths exam. I had to memorize about 15 formulas for some chapters. I completely forgot about it. 😅 After reaching my school, I saw that I had another 20 mins left. My friend, too, didn’t learn 😂

When the invigilator was distributing the papers, I was very nervous. Though I memorized the formulas, I didn’t learn one thing: where to apply which formula 😩 Unfortunately, around seven questions were from that chapter, 21 marks. I knew the question, and I also understood it, but I didn’t know the formula. My palms and feet were sweating a lot 😂

I cried for some 2 mins, wiped my tears, and continued doing other sums. Then, after completing the paper, I started doing the seven questions that I left. Again, after a few seconds, I started crying 😂

So I cried two times in one exam 😅
I got around 70% 😔

Have you ever cried during an exam?