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Has anyone ever farted on your face?

Has anyone ever farted on your face?

Has anyone ever farted on your face?

I was sitting on the couch with my sister, watching the television, and because we would often annoy each other on the couch, we had to stay on our sides. It was quite late at night, and at the time, I was only about 10, so I was tired, but I wanted to show my sister that I was a big boy and that I could stay up late. Being tired, I forgot about the rule and decided to lie down across the couch, but as soon as my feet touched my sister, I realized my mistake.

She got up and sat on my stomach and yelled, “GET OFF MY SIDE NOW!” I was squirming around, and she told me to stop. And I didn’t stop, so she sat on my face. I stopped squirming, hoping that she would get off, but she didn’t; instead, she lifted her ass a few cm above my face, lowered her pants and panties, and farted bare asses into my face.

It grossed me out, and I tried yelling at her to get off, but her ass muffled the sound, and all it achieved was opening my mouth, which she farted directly into. She stayed on for about 5 minutes, only letting me breathe through my half-blocked nose until my mum came down the stairs and saw this.

Friends, she told my sister to get off, but my sister replied that I wanted it, so my mum was convinced and went back upstairs to her bedroom; she said that we had to go to bed in 5 minutes, which I was relieved at. After another 5 minutes of tasting my sister’s farts, she got off, and I went to bed.

School has me so stressed. I cry almost every day. What do I do?

I hated this experience at the time, but a few days later, I realized that I liked it. But I knew my sister would only do it if she thought it was a punishment for me, so I would annoy her until she would do it again.

Has anyone ever farted on your face?

Yes, and it happened when I was about 10; anyway, for some background, I live with my aunt, who was 34. This story happened because my parents moved out of the country when I was a baby but decided to leave me with my aunt. She decided to take me in as my guardian since she had no kids and no partner and lived alone. She cared for me like I was her child, so since it was just me and her, we were extremely close.

Anyway, my aunt and I had just eaten dinner. She had a salad with broccoli, peppers, and carrots. I wasn’t the biggest fan of vegetables, so I just had chicken that night. Anyway, a while later, It was time for bed, and we had a late dinner since it was Friday, but I was a little kid, and she wanted me to go to sleep, but I wasn’t tired while my aunt was, so I practically begged her to play wrestle cause I was in a wrestling phase when I was around that age, lol.

Anyways, after some time, she eventually said yes. Now, I would like to mention the height and weight difference between me and my aunt. So, at the time, I was 4′9, 95 pounds, and I was decently skinny, so I was small and light. At the same time, my aunt, on the other hand, was 5′11, 150 pounds with hooped earrings and very curvy and was heavy but not overweight at all. So because of that, I’d always lose in every game we would play in races, fighting, and wrestling matches (which was very often, but it was still really fun).

Hence, we started the wrestling, and my strategy was to catch her in uncomfortable positions so I could tackle her.

Has anyone ever farted on your face?

I couldn’t catch her in any uncomfortable positions this time, and she was quick on her feet, but I can’t say the same for myself. She caught me in an uncomfortable and took it upon herself to grab me and got me into a position where my face was in her, um, big chest and my arms over her shoulders and my legs in her arms, so she quickly ran over to the really big couch and threw me near the end of the couch, it was so fast.

Hence, it took a minute to process what just happened, so when I came to, it was WAY too late. As I did, I saw my aunt turn around in her white leggings, and her really big butt started to lower onto my face, and then she started to sit on me.

I started to voice my protests in the form of yelling, and I even tried to say time out, but my aunt was laughing and was so invested in the game and probably completely heard me, and then all of a sudden, she started to fart on my face and my god, they smelt awful. She ate a lot of salad that night. I don’t know if she planned for the gas attack to last as long as it did.

Has anyone ever farted on your face?

It even got to the point where she turned on a show; while she was having the time of her life torturing me and watching her favorite shows, I was struggling to even breathe under there, and since her butt was so big there was no room to get even try and get a breath of air, and every like 10 seconds, I’d get blasted with her farts; after a while, she got off me and said, “Let’s go for round 2, best two out of three, okay, sweeties?” she said, but before we could, she ate some more, salad, and specifically wait like 20 minutes for the food to start to digest.

So we started to go again; unlike last time, she was trying harder than she did before, so because of that, it took like only one minute to catch me, so she grabbed me the same way and threw me onto the couch and started to fart on me again WHILE eating the rest salad now this time I really tried to get out of there but again she was bigger and heavier so I couldn’t and just accepted my fate.

Has anyone ever farted on your face?

She went on for like 2 hours blasting my face with long smelly farts while watching her shows, and then as she finished, she said, “I hope you can sit thru this last one now, you ready dear?” that’s when I tried to get out of this again. Still, she was just too big and then lifted her right butt cheek a little bit and let out the longest and smelliest one yet; it was like a 2-minute chain of bassy farts. After we were done, I felt defeated and a little disrespected, too, so I gave up and asked if we could go to bed.

Unlucky for me and my aunt shared a queen-sized bed, so I was scared the whole night she would start randomly farting on me while I was drowsy.

My aunt is a good cuddler and always keeps me warm when we cuddle, so we just cuddled up together, with me getting snuggled up and laying on her chest like a pillow. And considering how obsessive my aunt can be, I’m honestly surprised. She still teases me about it years later. Hell, she’s a bit taller than me, and she still even farts at me, so I might even post a part 2.

Have you ever had your face farted on?

Plenty of times

As the youngest kid in the family, I can recall getting farted on numerous times by my older brother, older sister, my aunt, and my mom. All of them did it as a joke, and looking back, it was funny.

Now because I finished studying and don’t have anything to do this Tuesday night; I’ll figure I’ll share those experiences from getting farted on by my family

  • My oldest brother and his friends used to pin me down and take turns sitting on my face and farting.
  • My sister did this thing called the “Dutch oven” to me, where she would trap the covers over my head and fart.
  • My mom liked to sneak up on me and fart at me as a joke.
  • My aunt liked to wrestle, and one time she challenged me, and one thing led to another, and her butt was on my head, and she purposely gave

Hope this didn’t gross you out. 🙂

Have you ever had your face farted on?


My older brother was taking a nap, and I had to fart, so I knew it would be the perfect opportunity, so I walked over to him. Put my butt on his face and farted, and ran away. I then went into our shared room and locked the door. He pounded on it and yelled, then he left. Then I heard the door knob move, and he came barging in after he picked the lock.

I knew I was done for. He tackled me to the ground and sat on my face, and proceeded to fart several times. Then my mom heard the commotion and walked in on us mid-fart and asked.

“Kyle, why are you farting on your little brother’s face?”

My brother replied, “He farted on my face first.”

She then asked me if it was true, and I felt that honesty would get me out of this situation.

Barely able to get words out as my brother’s butt muffled them, I said, “Yeah.” Then there was a second or two of silence, and my mother walked in, sat down, and said “Proceed” to my brother. She then watched him rip farts directly on my face for like 10 minutes as I was in tears.

Oh boy, yes. Plenty of times, but this was the worst.

The year was 1996, and my oldest sister and, her friend and I snuck into the movie “Scream” when I was only 6. She was about 12. When we got dropped off at home by my sister’s friend’s mother, my mother had made us Chili, but I had no interest in eating. Later that night, I couldn’t sleep due to the movie. When I finally did, I had a nightmare. (I was such a baby, lol.)

So I had enough and woke up my mother and asked if I could sleep with her because I was so scared. My mother, who was only 30 at the time, had to wake up early for work.

(She was a trainer in Hollywood and worked with some big names.) I could tell she wanted me to suck it up and be a big boy, but My father was on a business trip to NYC, so she subsequently let me.

Friends, I was happy. I wasn’t going to get killed by the masked murderer. I then finally fell asleep.

Then, in the middle of the night, I woke up to a massive sound. I opened my eyes and couldn’t see anything. Then I smelled a horrible rotten smell; I turned my head, and right next to me was my mother’s pajama-clad butt about 3 inches away from my face. I was about to move, but I was wedged in the corner against the wall, and I knew if I got up to move, she’d wake up and tell me to leave the room.

Then my six-year-old self had to come to a decision; Get killed by a masked murderer or have my mother’s butt in my face for the rest of the night. I chose just to get farted on as she and my sister had farted on me before as a joke. She remained in the position for about two more hours as I was awake the whole time. I counted that she wasted time six more times right in my face, and I was beyond disgusted. Then, she finally changed positions, and I was able to sleep.

The next day I told her about her farting on me. To which she replied, “Good, you probably deserved it,” while laughing. Ahh, Mom, I Still love you.

Has anyone ever farted on your face?

Yes, someone has. Actually, many times. My step-sister always did this to me when I was younger. One time, she called my stepmom and said that I had been a bad boy. (At this time, I was 13). When my stepmom heard that, she said, “Boy, you know you’re dad left for 1 week, and that is my time now. I’m in control.” I was scared of what she would do.

My step-sister was 15, and my stepmom was 32. They were both hot as hell. She then said we are going to wrestle. Me against my step-sister and mom. I already knew I was going to lose. My stepmom then threw me on the ground. She Said to my step-sister. Sit on his belly. She then did.

My stepmom then Said, “I know you gonna like this” Then her ass was on my face. Then Said, “Point your nose up in my ass, or else you will see” At first, I thought she didn’t mean it, but when I turned my face. She took my head and put it in her ass. Then she farted. It smelled bad, and then it was my sister’s turn to fart as stepmom went to the bathroom.

Has anyone ever farted on your face?

My step-sister sat on my face and farted. She was stronger, so when her ass was on my face. I just did as I was told. She farted and farted for 20 minutes, then my stepmom came back. She said, “Get off him,” I thought it was it. No, as I sat up, her ass was on my face again.

Next, say at School when all the students have left. My hot teacher said she wanted to talk under 4 eyes. When we were alone, She said she was a friend of my stepmom. She then asked if I could help her with her heels. I did. I helped her as I tried to get up. She pushed my face in her ass and farted. I was in her ass for about 2 hours. It was good. Then She said, “Next time, just ask for more.”

Have you ever had your face farted on?

Yes, just yesterday.

I was walking behind an old lady whose daughter accompanied me on a narrow footpath, and it was taking ages. The old lady seemed to be having a hard time walking, so her daughter was patiently assisting her with every step.

Meanwhile, I was trying to contain my frustration for my failure to overtake the old lady and focus on the example of a sweet and respectful mother/daughter relationship in front of me when the old lady suddenly let out the loudest and longest fart ever. I was too close in proximity to her, so the fart was shot directly into my face. 

Unable to comprehend what had just happened, I looked around to see if anyone had noticed or heard anything. A group of young men walking close to us had witnessed the scenario, too, and seemed to be as confused as I was.

We all looked at each other, hoping to be inspired by a reaction. Everyone paused for a second except this old lady. She just kept on walking, unbothered to look around and see the victims of her sudden release of pollutants. Now that’s inspirational!

Has anyone ever farted on your face?

(The picture was captured during another moment, but it perfectly summarizes my reaction during the above scenario.)

Has anyone farted in your face?

I was stressing about homework to a friend, and I was going crazy. He is usually good at calming me down, so I trusted him.

“Calm down. Just lie down and close your eyes. Practice your breathing, let your brain shut off, and relax,” he said.

So I did. I lay down and closed my eyes. Immediately after I did this, he slammed his ass onto my face. “Jeez, your trousers stink!” I said. “Oh, you think I’m wearing trousers?” he said, laughing.

To my horror, I opened my eyes to find my nose nestled in his crack. He then placed his butthole over my mouth before releasing a wave of gaseous shit from his behind down my throat like a chute.

“That’ll shut you up!” he remarked. And it did. It probably didn’t help that I couldn’t move my mouth from underneath his arse for the next few hours and thought.

Have you ever had your face farted on?

Reason Number 172 that I started avoiding my in-laws. Mutha-in-law is a little, shrill Chinese woman who about hated me on sight. I am the embodiment of the lower class and low-class values. I work at a Wal-Mart, and my best friends are working poor. And I drink domestic, mass-market beer (Labatt is Canadian in origin but headquartered in Buffalo, so I’m looking out for our local workers!), and not only do I lighten my hair and paint my face, I’m painting it with Maybelline. 

I committed the unpardonable sin of contributing neither prestige nor progeny (I have endometriosis, but that’s another question entirely) to a family obsessed with status.

Holidays were always a nightmare. I had nothing in common with the large and sprawling family and usually ended up edging off into the corner with a book or my knitting. MIL showed disdain and disrespect in more ways than I could count. She once handed me a list detailing serving sizes and calorie counts for every item she offered for Thanksgiving. My first Christmas gift from her was a diet book. For years, she didn’t initiate a conversation unless it was weight-related.

After I told her to knock it the hell out, she approached the matter from a different end, the rear end. She would position herself directly in front of my face as she talked to someone else and let the cannons roar. And she did not whisper with the breath of angels. She would fart like a sailor on leave. A jet engine roared from that tiny frame, nearly blowing my hair out of its style.

I’m thankful now for the Wal-Mart job, and I’m required to work holidays.

Many, many times by my dad and uncle (and others, but mostly them).

The most epic one was when I was about 10. My dad was notorious for walking around in his underwear with his plumber crack hanging out. One day, he is walking down the hallway to go to the bathroom. I’m walking down the hall to my room and try to slip by him. He is a big guy, so he took up most of the hallway. Anywho, as I am slipping past, he stops, essentially pinning me to the wall. 

He leans forward, his butt hanging out of his underwear. I’m at the perfect height to have his partially exposed crack less than an inch from my face. I can smell his butt with how close it is to my nose. He rips a giant wet fart point blank in my face, straight out of his crack that he probably doesn’t even realize is showing. I am totally stunned in place. 

I used to pretend they missed my face because of how embarrassed I used to be by it. This was so direct to the face I just laughed with my face blood red with embarrassment to the audience of my mom and sister. I couldn’t deny it. I remained stunned for so long that my dad emerged from the bathroom, still laughing. It was one of the few times my face actually smelt like the fart long after it was gone. The joys of being the only boy. 😂😂

Next Story

Yeah, plenty of times by my dad who has IBS, and on top of that, he’s lactose intolerant, but that doesn’t stop him from eating anything with dairy. I’m female, but for some reason, he loves to pick on me rather than my little brother. He always puts on a show for him, which usually involves me suffering in some way.

I remember this one time he came home after a good session in the gym. (You could tell it was because he was completely drenched in sweat.) 

He’s a pretty overweight guy and was trying to lose weight at the time. I was chilling. Watching some TV while munching on some chips, my little brother was lying on the couch mimicking the cartoon characters on the TV. We both hear the front door unlock, and my dad comes in, all sweaty and exhausted. I didn’t pay him much attention until he swiped away my chips and slammed his butt down on my face without warning. 

I think he started eating my chips and started talking to my brother about how long his day was and how comfortable his “seat cushion” was while grinding on my face. I hear my little brother laughing as my dad wiggles his sweaty, fat rear on my poor face. 

It was possibly the worst thing that ever happened to me, but it wasn’t over yet. To add to the humiliation, my dad let this loud explosion of a fart thunder out of his crack, smacking me in the face with the smell of cheddar cheese that had been dragged in sewer water. 

I was 8 years old at the time, and I’ll probably never forget that horrible day. He only got off me until I started crying. That wasn’t the first time he did something like that either, and it wasn’t the last. God, I don’t know how I can hate and love someone so much at the same time.

Have you ever gotten a fart on your face, or have you ever farted on someone’s face?

I saw that both answers here were from the “I got farted on” category, so imma add one from the “I farted on someone” category. This was only a few days ago, too.

So I’m with one of my friends, and we’re pretty drunk — like, stumbling, mumbling, bumbling drunk. His house was pretty far away, so we agreed that he should stay at mine. Now we both need the loo quite bad — him for a piss (he says – we’ll get to this), me for a shit. 

Cus a piss only takes a few seconds, and I say he can go first while I wait. However, when he gets into the bathroom, he sits on the loo and looks at me sadly. I look at him. He shrugs, and I hear him fart into the basin.

How dare he. So, in my drunken state, I do what seems right. I lower my pants and sit on his lap. I then shit between his legs into the toilet that he is also using.

We both have fetishes for farts and the like, I should add, and we’re open about them to each other. I guess it was a turn-on for us both — I know it was for him cus his boner kept nudging up my bum and, at one point, nearly blocked the way for my poop. But we worked it out, and, as a treat, when I got up, I let him lick my shitty ass. Hey, it saves money on toilet paper?


Yes, and that’s really one of the things that developed my fetish. When I was in my mid-teens, 14 or 15, I went to one of my friend’s house at the time, she wasn’t very fond of farting at all, but I convinced her that it would be very funny if she farted, and so after a while, she farted pretty loudly, and we both giggled. I laid down on her bed and said do it on, though. Surprisingly, without hesitation, she came right over and sat down on me.

I could smell her previous fart from earlier, but with a little time, I got a face full of gas. Right after that, she got off me and said I smell like shit. A couple of hours later, I went home and took a shower, and realized I was addicted to farting, especially on people.

Has anyone ever farted on your face?

YES! I loved it! A big girl had climbed onto me. She spread her cheeks and rubbed her buttcrack up and down my face. She used her weight to push my chin down and opened my mouth on her butt hole. And she made noises of pleasure, so I just kept licking. She started to have an orgasm when she let out a huge fart right into my mouth.

She shuddered and literally bucked her hips. I was so turned on I couldn’t contain myself as that had never happened to me before. She looked over her shoulder and said that I was a keeper…LOL, I told her she was, too. She apologized for the fart, and I told her I thought it was really hot…I was hooked after that.

Yes, my girlfriend did, and I farted in her face. She and I were sitting on the couch naked, and her stomach growled, and she lifted her but cheek to fart, and I quickly said WAIT! and laid down and told her to sit on my face and do it. She did without even hesitating and let out a massive fart all over my face. Then my stomach growled, and she had me fart in her face, and we just took turns farting on each other for 30 minutes. Wish it was longer.

Has anyone ever farted on your face?